We originally thought to start this weblog as a way to share with our family all of the super fun projects on which we spend our time. Sort of a, "Hey, Mom! Look What I Did!!!" in electronic format. It's a way to compare beer-brewing techniques with the father-in-law or show Mom your latest experiment in horticulture...which is great, since, by the time she visits, the cat will probably have killed a large fraction of the house plants.
And, frankly, we have waaaay too many projects and hobbies and experiments and adventures. And we have waaaaaaay not enough attention span. So this is also a unique way, for our own sakes, to log and keep track of all of our burning irons. And maybe the ones that got a little too cooled down. And probably the ones that got all rusty because we left them out in the rain.
Let's face it: we may not even keep up with this weblog.
But we're sure excited about trying!!!