So, something else I felt like I needed for my trip-- but, it turned out, very much did not-- was some kind of bag or cover for my Yoga mat. You see, as I was being offered free Yoga in return for my farm-handery, I figured lugging my mat all the way to South America was necessary.
It was not.
Eh. Either way, I got a Mat Roll out of it.
For the main part, I used some brown corduroy material leftover from my Inigo Montoya costume from 200...6? I had orginally planned for the thing to be just a bit longer than my mat. I rolled the mat out and eyeballed the measurements.
When my logic kicked in, however, I realized how bulky this would make it once it was rolled up and cut that son of a cow in half.
Then I simply hemmed the edges a bit and began frantically searching for something to tie it closed with.
I found nothing and so made some REALLY poorly constructed ties out of leftover stretchy headband fabric. On a day when I have the patience to not light my sewing macine on fire, I will redo the ties. Because they're crap. But the purple sure looks pretty!

Anyway, then it dawned on me that I might want a convenient way to carry the thing, and another frantic search for materials began...
This is when I delved into my favorite new resource: The Applebee's Uniform.
My current victim: the Omnipresent Apron.
(why do I even still have this uniform?)
I removed that nice, sturdy, navy blue apron string from its pouch and...
Ta-da! A handle!
And it might have been a pain-in-the-ass to cram into my backpack, but it was lovely and handy for lugging around Cusco, so it's about a 47% win.
These are apparently my favorite shorts. Apparently.
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